About Me
About Me

Meet Gina
Hi Ladies, I’m so glad you’re here!
I am a wife, homemaker, and mama to 2 dogs and a cat 🙂 I love running and all things fitness. I became a personal trainer at 20 and thought fitness would be my life. It wasn’t until I gained over 100 pounds (for the second time) and lost it by 24 that I saw God had a completely different plan.
Fitness wouldn’t be about me; instead, it would be about coming alongside other women to walk with them, sharing my testimony, and encouraging and strengthening them on their fitness journeys.
The Journey
In 2013, while running after work, I felt God place in me a new desire that would be both physical and spiritual. Through my second weight loss journey, I started to see a connection between the physical and the spiritual, namely the heart.
God showed me through this experience that I had an opportunity to help women reach their fitness goals and Bible study goals through discipleship.
Proverbs 4:23 tells us to watch over our hearts because the “springs of life flow out of them.” The Bible commonly uses the heart to refer to our will, emotions, inner being, and ultimately our source of wisdom. Everything we think, do, and say is affected by the heart.
In 2016, when I felt unsure of my direction, God allowed me to lose my job. Usually, this would have caused me a great deal of fear, but after speaking to my husband, we both felt it was time for me to begin preparing myself to do what God had called me to in pursuing discipleship.
In early 2017, I began a study journey in my time with the Lord and through various Bible college classes (come check out my work at wwwbiblearc.com and learn more about this amazing ministry) that built my understanding of God, His story of redemption, biblical Bible exegesis, and how to be a disciple.
Though I grew up in church, there wasn’t much focus on learning how to study the Bible nor on why the gospel matters toward living a life that pleased God(becoming a disciple).
It wasn’t until I started studying that I began to meet many women (both in my group of friends and those beyond) who also felt the same.
Through these conversations, I was brought back to the desire God had given me back in 2013.
My Passion
In 2018 He began to bring me women, to whom He allowed me to share what I had learned, which ignited a passion in me for teaching women how to be a disciple of Christ.
I’m excited dear sister, to share this same passion with you! I desire to see you fall more in love with Jesus as you build focus, understanding, and commitment to His Word. No matter where you walk with God, it is never too late to begin again. God is always faithful, even when we feel like we are faithless 2 Timothy 2:13.
Ready to get started? Grab my FREE Bible Study jump-start!
Click HERE for full testimony.
Click HERE for my statement of faith.