Spiritual Disciplines 1

How does understanding God’s Standard help us build a foundation for Spiritual Disciplines? The fundamental question we must address when delving into spiritual disciplines is: what is God’s standard? Jesus emphatically stated in Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Peter reinforced this message in 1 Peter 1:16, “You…


Deliverance Ministry

God is ALWAYS the subject, and His people are ALWAYS the object. The temporal deliverance so dominant in the Old Testament falls into the background in the New. However, the historical accounts in the Old Testament prove that God is the great deliverer. Before experiencing spiritual rebirth through the Holy Spirit John 3:3-8, we are…


God and Suffering

One of the primary reasons suffering is often misunderstood in our culture and within the Church is due to our lack of deep understanding of our God. The more we learn about our God, the more consistently we trust Him rather than our circumstances. We must not define God and suffering based on our circumstances….