Enjoying God’s Presence in His Word through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Part 3

At the beginning of this series, we focused a lot of attention on how Moses was the mediator for the people of Israel. We then moved to part 2 to focus on Jesus, God’s perfect mediator and the one who opened the door through means of His flesh to God’s presence. Finally, with Jesus in…

Enjoying God’s Presence in His Word through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Part 2

How to Feel God’s Presence: Part 2 The thesis of the Bible? In the closing of part one of this blog, I mentioned that the New Testament provides us with two tangible ways that we, as New Covenant believers, can feel God’s presence. However, before we discuss these ways, I want to take you to…

Enjoying God’s Presence in His Word through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Part 1

How to Feel God’s Presence: Part 1 Is God’s Presence something we can experience in our everyday lives? Over the years of discipling Christian women, a common question I have received has been: “Gina, I want to read and enjoy God’s Word, but God isn’t physically sitting here with me. I don’t feel His presence…

Who is God?

Who is God? Can building a puzzle help us understand the question: Who is God?  Today is December 30, 2022. Christmas has passed, and New Year’s is right around the corner. I enjoyed doing puzzles while growing up during this time of year. Sitting at the table or on the floor, a fire in the…

Four things you need to know to understand the plan of God Part 2.

What is the Bible About? Biblical Theology in Revelation Is life hopeless? In part one of “What is the Bible about? We left Adam and Eve in a rather hopeless situation. We saw that as God drove them out of the Garden of Eden, though everything did appear hopeless, God gave Adam and Eve a…

Five Steps to building Christian Faith for beginners.

Five Steps to building Christian Faith for beginners. Why do we struggle to build our faith as Christians? Have you ever bought one of those furniture pieces you had to assemble? You know the one, a million different size screws and one of those little half-bent metal bar things to act as a wrench? Are…