My Testimony
My Testimony

Hello ladies, my name is Gina and I would like to start by introducing myself and sharing with you what has driven my desire to start this ministry.
My story starts with my upbringing; I grew up in the church.
For as long as I can remember, there was never a time when Christianity was not a part of my everyday life.
I went to vacation Bible school, Sunday school classes, church morning and evening (if it was available), and even went nine years to a Christian school. Though I am very thankful to my parents for raising me this way, the perception I got was “be a good person.
In my teens and 20’s felt like I was on a balancing scale going from good to bad, by my standards, of course, which caused me to feel defeated...
But I was missing the point, and though I was seeking God, I was not seeking Him to know Him.
Right before I turned 30, God got my attention. On the outside, I was living as most would expect, by a Christian standard. A wife of one husband attended a large and influential church, served, had a decent job, gave to ministries, and helped people. It seemed like I was doing it right, huh? But inside, I was no different, my heart was no different; my desires were no different.
I realized that I did not know God. It was not enough to believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. It was not enough to keep a checklist of my virtuous deeds” No, none of that could make me right with God...
Realizing that I could not earn favor with God led me to begin earnestly seeking Him. Not gathering facts about Him, but seeking so that I might know Him. In chapter 17 of John’s gospel, Jesus is praying to the Father right before He is to go to the cross. His prayer is first for the disciples and additionally for those who would believe after them. He prayed:
Now this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent…Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth. John 17:3, 17
God wants us to not only know Him but to be sanctified by His Word.
Knowing the Lord, and being transformed by His Word was what I was missing. The message of God’s work in redemption is exactly what the prophet Isaiah prophesied. He said:
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind, our sins sweep us away. Isaiah 64:6
God is the source of our righteousness. Apart from Christ’s saving work, we have no hope of pleasing God.
So, what is my point? I want to challenge you to ask yourself, “Do I know God?” “Is my goal to know Him and to be sanctified by the truth of His word?” Am I trying to live my life by my church’s standard, family, community, and culture? Does my life reflect what the apostle Paul tells us,
I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1&2
It is because of these things that God has prompted me to create, Standing on Foundations.
Dear sister, I understand how it feels to sit in front of your Bible, and not know where to start. It is easy to feel defeated when your “Bible Reading Plan” doesn’t go as planned leading you to fall behind.
Seven years ago I felt the same. By the Lord’s grace, I began a journey of study and Bible classes that have equipped me to know God and be sanctified by His Word. Lastly, this journey has helped me build a foundation that has fueled my for love God and a desire to please Him.
In our time together, I would like to help you build a foundation that will encourage and motivate your passion for the Lord. This foundation will also equip you to study, think, respond to, and share the message of the Bible with friends and family. Together we will build our foundation on several smaller foundations that will unite into one unified foundation