What you know about God is the most important thing about you. Have you ever stopped to think of the importance of knowing God in your life?

In the book of Hebrews, chapter 1:1-3, it is clearly stated that God has communicated with us in various ways and at different times. From the very beginning, He spoke to the fathers- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Later, He spoke through the prophets, and now He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus. Our God is a God who speaks. By knowing Him, we unlock a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. So, why not take the first step toward knowing God today?

To help you understand who God is and what He is like in 2024, I’m thrilled to offer you a FREE PDF guide that outlines 6 ways to do so. You will also receive a link to the recorded workshop teaching.

Please sign up below to receive these resources and access all future workshops.

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