How does understanding God’s Standard help us build a foundation for Spiritual Disciplines?

The fundamental question we must address when delving into spiritual disciplines is: what is God’s standard?

Jesus emphatically stated in Matthew 5:48, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Peter reinforced this message in 1 Peter 1:16, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

These verses underscore God’s standard as identical to His divine nature—unfathomably holy, righteous, just, and good. As we delve into the essence of God in Knowing God Part 1, we comprehend that all His attributes harmonize under the banner of His holiness. Holiness embodies God’s moral purity and stark separation from all sin and evil, irrevocably belonging to Him alone (Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 15:4).

So, why is it important to consider God’s standard in our desire to pursue spiritual disciplines?

To help you answer this question and much more, I have laid out 5 foundational steps to building a foundation for Enjoying Jesus through graced-based Spiritual disciplines.

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